Indian Navy MR Notification Out Apply Online Here


Indian Navy has published its first AGNIVEER (MR) 01/2022 intake notification. Online applications are invited from unmarried male and unmarried female candidates (who fulfillfor enrolment as Agniveer (MR) for the 01/2022 (Dec 22) batch. The total vacancies for Agniveer (MR) are 200 (including a maximum of 40 females only). The eligibility criteria and broad terms and conditions are laid down herein below. Registration starts on 25 July 2022 to 30 July 2022.

Indian Navy Agnipath Mr Entry 2022: Eligibility CriteriaEducational Qualifications

Candidate must have passed Matriculation Examination from the Boards of School Education recognised by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.Age LimitCandidates should be born between 01 Dec 1999- 31 May 2005 (Both dates inclusive).Marital StatusOnly unmarried male and unmarried female candidates are eligible for enrolment as Agniveer in the Indian Navy. Candidates must undertake not to marry until completion of their ab-initio training. A candidate may be dismissed from service if he/she marries during abinitio training or is found to be already married in-spite of giving an undertaking regarding the same.

Indian Navy Agnipath Mr Entry 2022: Enrolment As Sailors (Regular Cadre)

Job Specifications

Job specifications for MR (Chef), MR (Steward), and MR (Hygienist) are available on the Indian Navy’s official website

Download Official notification Click here

Important Link
Register HereClick Here
Apply OnlineClick Here
Official Website

On completion of four years of service, based on organization’s requirements and policies promulgated by the Indian Navy, Agniveers will be offered an opportunity to apply for permanent enrolment in the Indian Navy. These applications will be considered in centralized manner based on objective criteria including performance during their four-year engagement period and up to 25% of each specific batch of Agniveers will be enrolled in Indian Navy for further re-engagement as sailor (regular cadre). Agniveers will not have any right to be selected for further enrolment in to the Indian Navy. Selection of the Agniveers for further enrolment, if any, shall be at the discretion of the Indian Navy.

Naval Pension Regulations/ Gratuity. Agniveers will not be governed by provisions contained in the Naval Pension Regulations/ Rules (as amended from time to time). Additionally, Agniveers will not be entitled to gratuity for engagement period. Release at Own Request. Agniveers will not be permitted to get released at own request prior to completion of engagement period. However, in most exceptional cases, personnel enrolled under this scheme may be released, if sanctioned by the competent authority.

Ex-servicemen Status. Agniveers will not be eligible for ex-Servicemen status.

Medical & CSD Facilities. For the duration of their engagement period in the Indian Navy, Agniveers will be entitled to Medical facilities at service hospitals as well as CSD provisions.

Indian Navy Agnipath Mr Entry 2022: Selection Process

Shortlisting:-Shortlisting of candidates would be based on the aggregate percentage obtained in the qualifying examination (10th). Shortlisting for Agniveer (MR) – male & female will be carried out state-wise in a ratio of four times the vacancies. The cut-off marks may vary from state to state. The shortlisted candidates shall be issued a call-up letter for written examination and PFT. Aadhar Card is mandatory for written examination/ PFT.Physical StandardsQualifying in Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is mandatory for selection.Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. PFT standard is as follows:-Advisory:- Proficiency in sports, swimming, and extra-curricular activities is desirable.Merit ListMerit list will be prepared based on performance in written examination, subject to qualification in Physical Fitness Test. Merit List for Agniveer (MR) – male candidates will be based on state-wise merit and the cut-off marks for the issue of call-up letter for Recruitment Medical Examination at INS Chilka may vary from state to state. Merit list for Agniveer (MR) – female candidates will be based on all India merit. In case of candidates securing similar cut off marks in the Written Examination, the candidate with a higher percentage in the qualifying examination i.e 10th will be selected for Recruitment Medical Examination at INS Chilka.Recruitment MedicalsRecruitment Medical Examination of all selected candidates will be conducted at INS Chilka. Candidates who are found medically fit in Recruitment Medical Examination will be recruited. Candidates who are found medically unfit will be advised to appeal against its findings, if they so desire, at INHS Nivarini/ INHS Kalyani within a maximum period of 21 days. No further review/ appeal is permissible.

Indian Navy Agnipath Mr Entry 2022: Syllabus

SECTION A: SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICSNature of Matter, Universe (Planets/Earth/ Satellites/ Sun), Electricity and its applicationsForce and Gravitation, Newton’s Laws Of Motion, Work, Energy and PowerHeat, Temperature, metals and NonMetals, Carbon and its Compounds, Measurements in Science, Sound &Wave Motion, Atomic StructureMathematical Simplification, Ratio and Proportion, Algebraic Identities, Linear Equations and Polynomials, Simultaneous Equations, BasicTrigonometrySimple Mensuration, Geometry, Measures of Central Tendency (Average,Median and Mode)Interest, Profit, Loss and Percentage, Work, Time, Speed and DistanceSECTION B: GENERAL AWARENESSGeography: Soil, Rivers, Mountains, Ports, Inland, HarboursCulture and Religion, Freedom Movement, Important National Facts about India, Heritage, Arts and DanceHistory, Defence, Wars and neighbours, Awards and Authors, Discoveries, Diseases and NutritionCurrent Affairs, Languages, Capitals and Currencies, Common Names, Full Forms and AbbreviationsEminent Personalities, National : Bird/Animal/Sport/Flower/Anthem/Song/Flag/MonumentsSports : Championships / Winners/ Terms/ Number of Players.

Indian Navy Agnipath Mr Entry 2022: How To Apply

For this entry, the candidates can apply ONLINE ONLY on the official website from 25 Jul 22 to 30 Jul 22. The procedure is available on the Indian Navy’s official website Candidates are advised to fill up the correct details while filling out the online application. Any updates/ corrections are to be carried out by the candidate before the last date of submission of the application.No further correction/ update is feasible after the last date of submission of the application. Incorrect declaration of information by candidates, identified at any stage would result in cancellation of candidature.The application may be uploaded from Common Service Centres (CSC) across the country, against fixed fees of Rs 60 + GST. This facility is entirely optional.