About Us

Started in 2020, DEFENCE GUIDE is a portal for defence exam preparation . Our aim is to provide quality knowledge to each & every Defence Aspirant in the most accessible & affordable way possible, we strive to become India’s Leading platform in terms of providing the education in Defence Examination fields related subject materials/video courses.

Defence Guide is one of the popular platforms among all the Defence Aspirants who are preparing for defence exams. Our platform is open for all who want to know and learn about our great Indian Armed Forces. Our sole purpose is to provide quality education & information under one roof so that young Aspirants don’t have to worry about the same.

www.defenceguide.in was formed as an online Defence Preparation Website to cover this huge market which is set to grow even larger in the coming years as India expands its economy at a huge pace.

Our aim is to become an internationally renowned defence web portal that provides quality education to our readers from the world of education. Of course, without your help and support, this objective will not be achieved. Please help us spread the word and let every Indian be proud of our Armed Forces.

If you want to join us as a guest writer we welcome you. Contact us via email & submit your precious knowledge to help the aspirants and blog followers.