ICG Admit Card Out Now


ICG Exam Date for Yantrik/Navik (GD/DB) Posts released today at 5 PM on joinindiancoastguard.cdac.in. Check Admit Card Date and Other Details Here.

ICG Exam Date 2021 for Yantrik/Navik (GD/DB): Indian Coast Guard (ICG) will release the written exam date and exam city for the post of Navik (General Duty), Navik (Domestic Branch) and Yantrik for 01/2022 Batch today at 5 PM i.e. on 14 September 2021. Those candidates who have applied for ICG Recruitment 2021 can check their exam city and date by login into their account at ICG web portal: https://joinindiancoastguard.cdac.in/. and plan their travel accordingly.

ICG Login Link

ICG Admit Card 2021

ICG will release the admit card for CGEPT 01/2022 48 to 24 hours before the date of exam. The same would also be mailed on the registered email ID of the candidate. The candidates would be able to download ICG Admit Card by login into ICG Website.

The candidates must read the instructions given on the Admit Card as well as COVID-19 guidelines and strictly adhere to the same. They should bring following documents at the centre:

  1. Original Class X marksheet
  2. Valid original Photo identity proof as submitted in application/ mentioned in E-admit card.
  3. 01 Coloured back-to-back printout of e-admit card (black & white not allowed).
  4. 02 in no. passport size colour photograph with similar facial features as uploaded in the online application.

The name of the candidate & Date of Birth in Indian Coast Guard card has to be the same as per the photo ID card (details as mentioned in the E-admit card) & Class X marksheet, failing which their candidature will be cancelled.

Those who qualify in ICG Phase 1 Exam will be called for  Phase2 Exam which includes Physical Fitness Test, Document verification and Initial Medicals Examination.

Based on the performance in Stage-I & Stage-II, an all India merit list will be prepared and e-admit card for stage-III (final medicals at INS Chilka) will be issued as per the vacancies available and ratio decided by ICG.

The candidates who clear stage III and stand in merit as per the vacancies available will be provisionally shortlisted for training at INS Chilka.

How to Check ICG Exam Date 2021 ?

Visit the official website of ICG – joinindiancoastguard.cdac.in

Go to ‘Candidate’ Tab and click on Registration / Apply Online (01/2022 Batch)

A new window will open – https://cgept.cdac.in/icgreg/candidate/login

Enter your ‘Email ID’ and ‘Password’

Check Indian Coast Guard GD Exam Date and Venue