Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Syllabus

agniveer recruitment for air force

Indian Air Force Agniveer Syllabus 2022 – Indian Air Force (IAF) has released Syllabus for Air Force Agniveer Vacancy. Candidates can download full syllabus here. Read this article completely to know the syllabus.

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Syllabus 2022: Download Air Force Agniveer Intake 01/2022 Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2022. Candidates also Download Model Question papers of English, Math, Physics and RAGA. Before Apply Online Air Force Agniveer form, It’s Important to Check Air Force Agniveer Vayu Syllabus 2022 & Question Papers

Indian Air Force has Invited Online Application Form for the Recruitment of Agniveer Vayu under Agnipath Scheme 2022. Those Candidates are interested in the Following Process of Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Recruitment 2022 & complete the Required Eligibility Criteria Can read the Full Notification and Apply Online for Air Force Agniveer Vayu Recruitment 2022

Selection Process of Indian Air Force Agneepath Recruitment

  • Written Exam
  • CASB
  • Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
  • Adaptability Test-I, and II
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination


(i) A short passage followed by four questions to test comprehension.

The questions will be set
1. To judge understanding of the passage
2. To draw inference
3. To judge understanding of vocabulary

(ii) Grammar

1. Subject- Verb concord
2. Forms of verbs and errors in the use of verbs, etc.
3. Sequence of tenses and errors in the use of tenses.
4. Transformation of sentences Compound, Complex, Simple,
Negative, Affirmative, Comparative degree, Positive degree, Superlative
degree, etc.

(iii) Grammar-2

1. Formation of Words- Nouns from Verbs and Adjectives, Adjectives
from Nouns and Verbs, Adverbs from Adjectives, etc.
2. Determiners
3. The Preposition
4. Nouns and Pronouns
5. The Adjectives
6. The Adverb
7. The Conjunction
8. The modals
9. Clauses- Noun clauses, Adverb clauses of condition and
time and Relative Clauses.

(iv) Vocabulary

1. Synonyms and Synonyms in context
2. Antonyms and Antonyms in context
3. One word substitution
4. Spelling pitfalls
5. Simple Idioms/ Phrases
6. Words often confused/ Selecting the correct word fitting in a

(v) Narration (Direct and Indirect)

1. Commands and requests
2. Statements (Various tenses)3. Questions (Various forms of questions, tenses, etc.)

(vi) Voice (Active and Passive)

1. Changes required under each tense
2. Other conditions for transforming Active into Passive
(a) The Preposition
(b) Modal Auxiliaries
(c) Infinitive
(d) Participles

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  1. Sets , Relations and Functions
  2. Trigonometric Functions
  3. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  4. Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
  5. Linear Inequalities
  6. Permutations and Combinations
  7. Binomial Theorem
  8. Sequences and Series
  9. Straight Lines and family of lines
  10. Circles and family of Circles
  11. Conic Sections
  12. Three-dimensional Geometry
  13. Matrices and Determinants
  14. Limit and Continuity
  15. Differentiation
  16. Application of Derivatives
  17. Indefinite Integrals
  18. Definite Integrals
  19. Application of Integrals
  20. Differential Equations
  21. Differential Equations
  22. Vectors
  23. Probability
  24. Statistics

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  1. Physical World and Measurement
  2. Kinematics
  3. Laws of Motion
  4. Work, Energy and Power
  5. Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
  6. Gravitation
  7. Properties of Bulk Matter
  8. Thermodynamics
  9. Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases
  10. Oscillations and Waves
  11. Electrostatics
  12. Current Electricity
  13. Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
  14. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
  15. Electro Magnetic Waves
  16. Optics
  17. Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
  18. Atoms and Nuclei
  19. Electronic Devices

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Reasoning (Verbal and Non- Verbal)

  1. Numerical series.
  2. Distance and Direction sense Test.
  3. Mathematical Operations
  4. Number, Ranking & Time Sequence Test.
  5. Assign Artificial Values to Mathematical Digit.
  6. Inserting Correct Mathematical sign.
  7. Human relation.
  8. Coding & Decoding
  9. Odd man out.
  10. Mutual relation problems.
  11. Tallest, youngest relations.
  12. Dictionary woods.
  13. Analogy.
  14. Non- Verbal reasoning.
  15. Number coding.
  16. Number Puzzle.


  1. Ratio and Proportion.
  2. Average.
  3. LCM & HCF.
  4. Profit and Loss.
  5. Time, Distance and Speed.
  6. Percentage.
  7. Simplifications of Numbers.
  8. Fractions.
  9. Area of triangle, Square and Rectangle.
  10. Surface Area and volume of Cuboids,
    Cylinder, Cone and Sphere.
  11. Probability.
  12. Simple Trigonometry.

General Knowledge and Current Affairs

  1. General Science
  2. Civics
  3. Geography
  4. Current Events
  5. History
  6. Basic Computer Operations

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Important Date

Apply Start Date24.06.2022, at 10:00 am
Last Date of Apply05.07.2022, up to 05:00 pm
Online Exam Date24.07.2022