Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari Becomes 27th Air Chief


Air Chief Marshal (ACM) Vivek Ram Chaudhari on Thursday took over as the 27th Chief of the Air Staff (CAS) from ACM R.K.S. Bhadauria, who superannuated after over 41 years of service.

“An alumnus of National Defence Academy (NDA), the CAS was commissioned in December 1982 in the fighter stream of the IAF. He has flown more than 3800 hours on multiple fighter and trainer aircraft,” the Air Force said in a statement. Prior to the present appointment, he was the Vice Chief of the Air Staff.

On September 29, the government announced the appointment of ACM Chaudhari as the next Air Chief. Normally, appointment of new Service Chiefs are announced 2-3 months prior to give time for the chief- designate to get oriented with the new role.

“Protection of our nation’s sovereignty and integrity is to be ensured at any cost,” ACM Chaudhuri said, outlining the focus areas for Commanders and personnel, while addressing the rank and file after taking charge. Enhancement of operational capability through integration of newly inducted platforms, weapons and equipment with the existing assets and dovetailing the same in concepts of operations would remain a priority area, he added.

An alumnus of National Defence Academy (NDA), the CAS was commissioned in December 1982 in the fighter stream of the IAF. He has flown more than 3800 hours on multiple fighter and trainer aircraft,” the Air Force said in a statement. Prior to the present appointment, he was the Vice Chief of the Air Staff.

During his career spanning almost four decades, ACM Chaudhari has tenanted many important command and staff appointments. He has commanded a MiG-29 squadron, two Air Force Stations and the Western Air Command. His staff appointments include Deputy Chief of the Air Staff, Senior Air Staff Officer at Headquarters Eastern Air Command, Assistant Chief of Air Staff Operations (Air Defence), Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Personnel Officers), Deputy Commandant of the Air Force Academy and Air Assistant to Chief of the Air Staff.

A Cat ‘A’ Qualified Flying Instructor, ACM Chaudhari has served as an instructor at Flying Training Establishments and has also been an Air Force Examiner. He was a pioneer member of the Suryakiran aerobatic display team. An alumnus of the Defence Services Staff College, Wellington, he has served as a Directing Staff there. He has also served as Directing Staff at the Defence Services Command and Staff College in Zambia.

ACM Chaudhari is a recipient of Param Vishisht Seva Medal (PVSM), Ati Vishisht Seva Medal (AVSM) and Vayu Sena Medal.

This is the beginning of the change of current line of Service Chiefs. Navy Chief Admiral Karambir Singh set to retire end-November and Army Chief Manoj Naravane will in service till April 2022.